Stream 5. Start-up accelerator

Stream #5
Start-up accelerator

Okinawan dancers

R&D Leader

Gil Granot-Mayer(OIST, Executive Vice President for Technology Development and Innovation)



Development of a business development platform through the "Startup Accelerator”

PI: Gil Granot-Mayer (Leader)

The OIST Innovation Accelerator is a comprehensive program for early-stage deep technology startups, combining entrepreneurship training, competitive bootcamp activities, and incubation support. Startups worldwide compete for a year-long residency at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) in Japan. Participants gain access to educational resources, networking opportunities, personalized coaching, and advanced research facilities at OIST. The program equips deeptech startups with the time and resources needed to transition their innovations from the lab to the market.

Timeline for the OIST accelerator program 2023-2025
Explore - Focus - Build



Partner (Academic)

Hitotsubashi University (Japan),
University of Melbourne (Australia)


Partner (Business)

Lifetime Ventures (Japan), Corundum Systems Biology, Inc. (Japan), SCSK Corp. (Japan), AION Labs (Israel), Okinawa Industry Promotion Public Corp. (Japan), Okinawa Prefecture (Japan), Onna Village (Japan)

R&D plan and goal

We aim to develop a platform for creating startups based on bioconvergence research and development, with the collaboration of industry, academia, government, and finance. To achieve this goal, the results obtained in each research and development project will be utilized to promote the commercialization of OIST’s basic research results. Thus, we are committed to advancing the social implementation of our research outcomes.

From R&D Leader

In this theme, we will promote social implementation, including utilizing the results created in the other four research and development projects and commercialization from OIST’s basic research seeds. To that end, we will strengthen the functions as an international hub by linking investment by venture capital, such as contacting and recruiting overseas investors and entrepreneurs. Furthermore, we aim to build an advanced global human-resource development program through organic collaboration with external partners, starting with Hitotsubashi University Business School (MBA). Such a program will foster and support entrepreneurs who play an active role in the international market.

Gil Granot-Mayer, OIST, Executive Vice President for Techno logy Development and Innovation