The Micro/Bio/Nanofluidics Unit at OIST is committed to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the research community. Our unit strives to foster equality and diversity in all areas, and welcomes students and researchers from all research, education, and cultural backgrounds. We have proved that our diverse team leads to creativity, innovation and top quality science. We have a long standing tradition to create a supportive working environment that values the broad perspectives (their knowledge, cultural background and worldviews) of each unit member, and with those we collaborate with. Our unit members are expected to treat each other with mutual respect and support. Our unit members and past rotation students come from Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, China, England, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Mexico, The Netherlands, Pakistan, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, USA, and counting!
Some group photos since August 2014 with fond memories.
August 2014: Just moved to Okinawa! (L-R): Joshua, Kazumi, Doojin, Amy, Ya, Simon, and Yuno.
December 2014: First winter in Okinawa. (L-R): Simon, Michael, Casey, Christina, Yuno, Ya, Amy, Doojin, Kazumi.
Summer 2015: (L-R): Casey, Maki, Simon, Shivani, Paul, Amy, Kazumi, Doojin, Yuno, James, Noa, Sebastien
October 2016: (L-R): Paul, Shivani, Simon, Viviane, Kazumi, Ya, Aniket, Sebastien, Amy, Alex, Yuno, Francesco, Yuno, Doojin, Noa, Casey, Meena
2017: Simon, Shivani, Riccardo, Yuno, Paul, Steffen, Amy, Atsushi, Francesco, Noa, Kazumi, Mandy, Nikhil, Doojin, Kei, Kang, Santo, Ainash.
Fall 2017: Shivani, Yuno, Ainash, Mandy, Simon, Casey, Noa, Amy, Francesco, Nikhil, Kazumi, Doojin, Kei.
Summer 2017: Yomitan beach BBQ.
Lab tour, 2017: (L-R): Paul, Kei, Mandy, Francesco, Nikhil, Cameron, Amy, Simon, Yuno, Casey.
Fall 2018: Francesco's farewell party, Yomitan beach BBQ.
February 2018: Cake party before John's departure.
January 2019: (L-R): Riccardo, Nikhil, Kei, Shivani, Paul, Yuno, Simon, Atsushi, Amy, Cameron, Rosa, Kazumi, Ainash, Kang, Jason, Santo.
August 2020: (L-R): Arisa, Charlotte, Vincenzo C, Kazumi, Vikram, Shivani, Ryota, Yuno, Yuma, Amy, Cameron, Santo, Rameez, Simon, Atsushi, Riccardo, Dan, Paul, Ainash.
February 2021: Yuno, Charlotte, Ainash, Amy, Riccardo, Rameez, Vikram, Atsushi, Shivani, Stelios, Vincenzo C, Dan, Santo, Jiahao.
November 2021: Kazumi, Hiromu, Simon, Shivani, Tatiana, Dan, Santo, Charlotte, Cameron, Paul, Vincenzo C, Stelios, Vincenzo M, Ainash, Amy.
October 2022: Cauki, Ricardo, Stelios, Hien, Jonas, Marvin, Dan, Amy, Tatiana, Kazi, Arisa, Mauricio, Ben
[Front] Vincenzo, Santo
May 2023: Farewell lunch for Dan, Tatiana and Cauki at New Lab 5.