Thomas Busch

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Research Career

Sep 16 – Present Professor (full time)
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Japan
Nov 11 – Aug 16 Associate Professor (full time)
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Japan
Jun 06 – Nov 12 Science Foundation Ireland Principal Investigator
Department of Physics – University College Cork, Ireland
Jan 06 – May 06 Assistant Lecturer (full time, temporary)
School of Physics – Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland
Oct 04 – Dec 05 College Lecturer (full time, temporary)
Department of Physics – University College Cork, Ireland
Aug 01 – Sep 04 Post-Doctoral Researcher (full time)
Department of Physics – University College Cork, Ireland
Apr 00 – Jul 01 Assistant Research Professor (full time)
Institute of Physics and Astronomy – Århus University, Denmark
1996 – 2000 Doctorate in Physics, Institute of Theoretical Physics – University of Innsbruck, Austria
Title of thesis: Theoretical Studies of Degenerate Inhomogeneous Atomic Gases. Supervisor: Prof. Peter Zoller.
1993 –1996 Diplom–Physiker (M.Sc. equivalent), University of Constance, Germany

qsu Thomas Busch 02
Interviewed by "ようこそ量子"