FY2017 Visitors


Feb 25 - Mar 02 Andrea Alberti (Principal Investigator, University of Bonn, Germany)


 Nov 17 Konrad Banaszek (Professor, University of Warsaw)
Nov 06 - Nov 17 Alberto Villois (Senior Research Associate, University of East Anglia, UK)
Sep 13 - Sep 23 Thomas Billam (Lecturer, Newcastle University, UK)
July 08 - July 15 Adolfo Del Campo (Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA)
July 08 - July 15 Aurelia Chenu (Postdoc Research Fellow, MIT, USA)
June 27- July 09 Andreas Ruschhaupt (Lecturer, University College Cork, Ireland)
July 03 - July 07 Ashton Bradley (Senior Lecturer, University of Otago, New Zealand)
July 04 - July 06 Makoto Tsubota (Professor, Osaka City University, Japan)
July 04 - July 06 Hiroki Saito (Professor, University of Electro-Communications, Japan)
May 15 - June 10 Manpreet Singh (Post-doctoral Fellow, IIT Guwahati, India)