Stream 4. Data analysis and utilization

Stream #4
Data analysis and utilization

A sample being analyzed

R&D Leader

Gil Granot-Mayer(OIST, Executive Vice President for Technology Development and Innovation)



Development of “Bioconvergence Industry-Academia-Government-Finance Co-Creation System (Co-Creation Lab)

PI: Gil Granot-Mayer (Leader)

We develop the optimal industry-academia-government-finance collaboration system for bioconvergence research and development. We also create new methodologies for integrating data collected in this center, extracting and utilizing useful information, etc.

Systems-science simulators supporting one health

PI: Ulf Dieckmann

The Complexity Science and Evolution Unit analyzes the dynamics of complex adaptive systems governing human wellbeing and ecosystem services. Methods are selected, combined, and developed drawing on complexity science, evolution, socioeconomics, ecology, game theory, theoretical physics, applied mathematics, and computer science. Key questions addressed include how to promote prosocial behavior, how to understand and manage biodiversity formation and loss, and how to utilize living resources sustainably.

Life is about timing: health shocks and socioeconomic inequality across the life cycle

PI: Yulya Kulikova

Improved health and labor policies that address socio-economic disparities in health, promote equity, and ensure the financial sustainability of public institutions in the face of health shocks and population aging. 

Exploring climate change perspectives, health and well-being amidst small scale fishers in Okinawa and UK

PI: Jamila Rodrigues

We explore the effects of climate change on the wellbeing and cultural perceptions of inshore fishers in Okinawa, while also considering socio-economic context and governance types.

Partner (Business)

Corundum Systems Biology, Inc. (Japan), Sony CSL (Japan), Araya Inc. (Japan)

R&D Plan and Goal

We develop the optimal industry-academia-government-finance collaboration system for bioconvergence research and development. We also create new methodologies for integrating data collected in this center, extracting and utilizing useful information, etc.

From R&D Leader

In this theme, we will promote social implementation, including utilizing the results created in the other four research and development projects and commercialization from OIST’s basic research seeds. To that end, we will strengthen the functions as an international hub by linking investment by venture capital, such as contacting and recruiting overseas investors and entrepreneurs. Furthermore, we aim to build an advanced global human-resource development program through organic collaboration with external partners, starting with Hitotsubashi University Business School (MBA). Such a program will foster and support entrepreneurs who play an active role in the international m