Annual Report FY2023


The Quantum Engineering & Design unit was recently extablished in July 2023 beginning with just Bill  and his boss Naomi.

As the year progressed, two other talented staff (Ivan and Heitor) joined us. Our unit explores the design and system engineering of future quantum technologies with the aim to provide a path from today’s theoretical concepts to their real-world implementation.

In particular our focus is on three broad overlapping areas: hybrid quantum systems and their applications,  the design of quantum network technologies and distributed quantum computation.



•    Dr. Ivan Iakoupov, Postdoc
•    Dr. Heitor Peres Casagrande, Postdoc
•    Ms. Naomi Sato, Research Unit Administrator


2.1 Quantum Communication, Repeaters and Networks

   Type of collaboration: Joint Research
    • Dr Koji Azuma, NTT Basic Research Laboratories (Japan)
    • Dr Hiroki Takesue, NTT Basic Research Laboratories (Japan)
    • Dr Hsin-Pin Lo, NTT Basic Research Laboratories (Japan)
    • Prof Kae Nemoto, OIST (Japan)

2.2 Superconducting Quantum Processors

   Type of collaboration: Joint Research
    • Prof Xiaobo Zhu, USTC (China)
    • Prof Jian-Wei Pan, USTC (China)
    • Prof Ming, USTC (China)
    • Prof Kae Nemoto, OIST (Japan)

2.3 Hybrid Quantum Systems

   Type of collaboration: Joint Research
    • Prof Jorg Schmiedmayer, Atominstitut (Austria)
    • Prof Johannes Majer, USTC (China)
    • Prof Kae Nemoto, OIST (Japan)

2.4 Quantum Batteries

   Type of collaboration: Joint Research
    • Dr James Quach, CISRO (Australia)

2.5 Quantum Machine Learning

   Type of collaboration: Joint Research
    • Prof Kae Nemoto, OIST (Japan)

2.6 Quantum Feedback

   Type of collaboration: Joint Research
    • Prof Jason Twamely, OIST (Japan)
    • Dr Yuan Liu, Griffth University (Australia)

2.7 Architecture and applications for small to large scale quantum computation [MEXT, Quantum Leap Flagship Program] (Principal Investigator: Kae Nemoto)

   Type of collaboration: Joint Project
    • Prof Kae Nemoto, OIST (Japan)
    • Prof Mio Murao, University of Tokyo (Japan)
    • Prof. Takeaki Uno, National Institute of Informatics (Japan)

2.8 Large-scale distributed quantum computer architecture [JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(A)] (Principal Investigator: Kae Nemoto)

   Type of collaboration: Joint Project
    • Prof Kae Nemoto, OIST (Japan)


​3.1 Hybrid quantum systems and their applications

The first activity related to the design of hybrid quantum systems and applications of them. Our initial focus has been on quantum batteries and energy transport enabled in these systems. We have found way to enhance both the charging rates of quantum batteries as well new ways to transport energy and quantum correlations around a network of nodes.

3.2 Design of quantum network technologies

Our second activity has been related to the design of quantum network technologies. We have been establishing the requirement for quantum edge and fog computing. Preliminary results show the quantum and classical networking requirements.


  • L. Ruks, X. Xu, R. Ohta, W. J. Munro, and V. M. Bastidas, Coherent response of inhomogeneously broadened and spatially localized emitter ensembles in waveguide QED, Phys. Rev. A 109, 023706 (2024)
  • V. M. Bastidas, S. Zeytino ̆glu, Z. M. Rossi, I. L. Chuang, and W. J. Munro, Quantum signal processing with the one-dimensional quantum Ising model, Phys. Rev. B 109, 014306 (2024)
  • Aoi Hayashi, Akitada Sakurai, Shin Nishio, William J. Munro, and Kae Nemoto, Impact of the form of weighted networks on the quantum extreme reservoir computation, Phys. Rev. A 108, 042609 (2023)
  • Y Liu, W J Munro and J Twamley, A quantum ticking self-oscillator using delayed feedback, New J. Phys. 25, 123032 (2023)
  • Josephine Dias, Christopher W. Wachtler, Kae Nemoto, and William J. Munro, Entanglement generation between distant spins via quasilocal reservoir engineering, Phys. Rev. Research 5, 043295 (2023).


  • Akitada Sakurai, Aoi Hayashi William J. Munro, and Kae Nemoto, Classifing the hand-written images using boson sampling, The 71th JSAP Spring Meeting 2024, Tokyo City University, Setagaya campus, March 22 - 25 (2024)
  • Aoi Hayashi, Akitada Sakurai, William J. Munro, and Kae Nemo, Analysis of the quantum feature map generated by physical qubit networks in quantum machine learningto, , The 71th JSAP Spring Meeting 2024, Tokyo City University, Setagaya campus, March 22 - 25 (2024)
  • William J. Munro, Josephine Dias and Kae Nemoto, Reservoir engineered hybrid quantum systems, APS March Meeting 2024, Minneapolis, USA, March 3 - 8 (2024)
  • Akitada Sakurai, Aoi Hayashi, W. J. Munro and Kae Nemoto, Utilizing the non-interacting bionic particle sampling to solve image classification tasks, APS March Meeting 2024, Minneapolis, USA, March 3 - 8 (2024)
  • Pei-Zhe Li, Josephine Dias, William J. Munro, Peter van Loock, Kae Nemoto, and Nicoló Lo Piparo, Towards More Feasible Quantum Networks Based on Cavity-QED and Continuous-variable Codes, APS March Meeting 2024, Minneapolis, USA, March 3 - 8 (2024)
  • Ivan Iakoupov, Victor M Bastidas,Yuichiro Matsuzaki, Shiro Saito and William J Munro,  Spin amplification in realistic systems, APS March Meeting 2024, Minneapolis, USA, March 3 - 8 (2024)
  • (Invited) S. Sciara, H. Yu, M. Chemnitz, N. Montaut, B. Fischer, R. Helsten, B. Crockett, B. Wetzel, T. A. Goebel, R. G. Krämer, B. E. Little, S. T. Chu, S. Nolte, Z. Wang, J. Azaña, William John Munro, D. J. Moss and R. Morandotti, Quantum communication protocols based on time-entangled photonic qudits, Photonics West 2024, San Francisco, USA, January 28 - February 2 (2024)
  • William John Munro, Nicolo Lo Piparo and Kae Nemoto, Quantum multiplexing for quantum networking and distributed quantum computation, Photonics West 2024, San Francisco, USA, January 28 - February 2 (2024)
  • (Invited) William John Munro, Josephine Dias and Kae Nemoto, Quantum energy and correlation transport through reservoir engineering, International Conference on Quantum Energy, Melbourne, Australia, December 4 - 6 (2023).
  • (Invited) William John Munro and Kae Nemoto,Quantum Networking and the Future Quantum Internet, IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), Orlando, USA, November 12 - 16 (2023).
  • (Invited) William John Munro, Nicolo Lo Piparo, Josephine Dias and Kae Nemoto, Quantum Edge Computing and the road to tomorrow quantum internet, The 2nd International Conference on Emerging Quantum Technology (ICEQT2023), Hefei, China,  September 17 - 22 (2023).
  • (Invited) William J. Munro, Ming Gong, He-Liang, Shiyu Wang, Chu Guo, Shaowei Li, Yulin Wu, Qingling Zhu, Youwei Zhao, Shaojun Guo, Haoran Qian, Yangsen Ye, Chen Zha, Fusheng Chen, Chong Ying, Jiale Yu, Daojin Fan, Dachao Wu, Hong Su, Hui Deng, Hao Rong, Kaili Zhang, Sirui Cao, Jin Lin, Yu Xu, Lihua Sun, Cheng Guo, Na Li, Futian Liang, Akitada Sakurai, Kae Nemoto, Yong-Heng Huo, Chao-Yang Lu, Cheng-Zhi Peng, Xiaobo Zhu, and Jian-Wei Pan, Versatile NISQ Processors, Quantum Nanophotonic Materials, Devices, and Systems 2023, SPIE Optics + Photonics, San Diego, USA, August 20 - 24 (2023).
  • (Invited) William John Munro and Kae Nemoto, Quantum Fog Computing, Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging XXI, SPIE Optics + Photonics, San Diego, USA, August 20 - 24 (2023).

6. Events

    • 2023/11/27 OIST Workshop “Feedback control of Quantum Machines”
    • 2024/03/14 Seminar – What Nature Photonics looks for
    • 2024/03/19 Seminar – Analog quantum simulation for partial differential equations: Schrodingerisation and other dilation methods

7. QED Visitors

    • Guest Professor: Professor Johannes Majors, University of Science and Technology of China
    • Guest Professor: Nana Liu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
    • Researcher: Research Intern, Kannan Vijayadharan, University of Padova