STEPS is a package for exact stochastic simulation of reaction-diffusion systems in arbitrarily complex 3D geometries. Our core simulation algorithm is an implementation of Gillespie's SSA, extended to deal with diffusion of molecules over the elements of a 3D tetrahedral mesh.
While it was mainly developed for simulating detailed models of neuronal signaling pathways in stretches of dendrites and around synapses, it is a general tool and can be used for studying any biochemical pathway in which spatial gradients and morphology are thought to play a role.
We have implemented STEPS as a set of Python modules, which means STEPS users can use Python scripts to control all aspects of setting up the model, generating a mesh, controlling the simulation and generating and analysing output. The core computational routines are still implemented as C/C++ extension modules for maximal speed of execution.
An MPI-based parallel version is now available. More recently, we expanded STEPS to enable full nanoscale modeling of neurons and synapses on distributed meshes: electrophysiology (membrane potential), molecular reactions and support to model the vesicle cycle.
For more information and downloads, please visit our SourceForge site.