Learn about bee ecology and environmental issues - Workshop at OIST

A workshop of OIST PCD program supported by COI-NEXT was featured by Okinawa Times.


A workshop of OIST PCD program supported by COI-NEXT was featured by Okinawa Times.

(Excerpt) The Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) held a “beeswax craft workshop” at the Onna-son Fureai Taiken Gakushu Center on the 3rd. Mr. Ian Johnson, specilizing in chemistry, gave a lecture on the wax bees secrete from their abdomens when they build their nests, and the 27 participants tried their hand at making beeswax wraps and other crafts.

COI-NEXT is supporting OIST Professional and Career Development (PCD) course as early career development. This course enable OIST students to develop skills to present science information to a wide range of audience which lead to think about the impact of their research on community.   

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ハチの生態学び 環境問題考える OISTでワークショップ | 沖縄タイムス+プラス (okinawatimes.co.jp)

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