onu FY2013 Annual Report 10

onu FY2013 Annual Report 10

Figure 8: Average multi-photon-excited fluorescence/luminescence spectra of NOPS-labeled and unlabeled magnetic FePt core-shell particles immobilized on glass slides in EtOH (a) and H2O (b) excited with 1.5 mW at 800 nm, 900 nm, 1000 nm. Spectra were normalized to the intensity at 507 nm. The difference of the two spectra resembles the emission spectrum of NOPS but shows significant differences compared to the 1-photon emission spectrum in EtOH (Fig. 2). In some spectra the backscattered or reflected second harmonic signal is visible (arrows). The intensity of unlabeled magnetic FePt core-shell nanoparticles, immobilized on a glass slide with water added and excited at 1000 nm, increases wavelength-dependent by the power of 3.8 to 3.2 up to an excitation power of 3.2 mW (c). Background-corrected data was fitted by y(x) = axb. Values of b are listed ±standard deviation.

06 March 2024
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