ndu FY2014 Annual Report Figure 3.2

ndu FY2014 Annual Report Figure 3.2

Figure 3.2. pH-responsive behavior of the nanosheets: (a−d) fully rolled nanosheets at pH 10, (e−h) partially unrolled nanosheets at pH 5, (i−l) unrolled flat nanosheets at pH 3. (a, e, i) Survey TEM showing rolled, partially unrolled, and fully unrolled nanosheets. The scrolls are linear with no fragmentation. Detail TEM showing controlled unrolling from (b) rolled, (f) to partially unrolled, and to (j) unrolled nanosheets. (c, g, k) AFM topography images, with the locations of the (d, h, i) associated cross-sectional height profiles indicated by green lines in the topographies.

01 March 2024
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