ncu FY2013 Annual Report 1

ncu FY2013 Annual Report 1

Figure 3.1.1: Typical activity of a STN-GPe circuit (64 and 192 neurons for respective nuclei) and spectrogram of a STN neuron in the circuits. Upper two panels correspond “Normal” state and lower two panels correspond “Parkinsonian” state. In rater plots, only activities of randomly-selected 20 neurons are represented. Red vertical bars in raster plots indicate spikes in bursts. In other traces, only 8 neurons are represented with identical colors. Inhibitory inputs on a STN neuron indirectly show an effect of short-term depression at a GPe-to-STN GABA-A synapse. gT represents a strength of post-inhibitory rebound potentiation of a STN neuron.

04 March 2024
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