csu FY2021 Annual Report 3.2 Figure 1

csu FY2021 Annual Report 3.2 Figure 1

Figure 1: Active RNA decay pathways mediated by the CCR4-NOT complex. The CCR4-NOT complex can be recruited by RNA binding proteins (RBP), miRNA- Ago2 complex, and YTHDF2 bound to N6-methyladeonsine, which is generated by the METTL3 and METTL14 methyltransferase complexes. The CCR4-NOT complex deadenylates polyA tails of recruited mRNAs. After deadenylation, 5’-decapping enzymes are recruited and eliminate the cap structure. Finally, 5’- exonucleases (Xrn1 and 2) causes degradation of target mRNAs.

04 March 2024
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