csu FY2019 Annual Report 3.3 Figure 4

csu FY2019 Annual Report 3.3 Figure 4

Figure 4. RNAs in Cnot1-KO and Cnot7/8-dKO MEFs have longer polyA tails compared to those in Cnot6/6l-dKO MEFs. (A-C) Poly(A) tail lengths of bulk RNA in Cnot1- KO (A), Cnot7/8-dKO (B) and Cnot6/6l-dKO MEFs (C) (n = 2 for each genotype). Cnot1-flox MEFs infected with mock retrovirus, Cnot7+/+; Cnot8-flox MEFs infected with mock retrovirus, and WT MEFs were used as controls, respectively. Densitograms of poly(A) tail lengths are shown below each image. The signal intensity normalized to total intensity (%) was calculated. The mean of two independent experiments was used.

04 March 2024
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