csu FY2019 Annual Report 3.2 Figure 2

csu FY2019 Annual Report 3.2 Figure 2

Figure 2. Depletion of CNOT3 attenuates the proliferation of human NSCLC cells. a. Subcellular fractionation of each A549 stable with or without 3 days of DOX treatment was performed to express shCNOT3. Soluble nuclear extracts and cytoplasmic extracts were subjected to immunoblotting. b. Representative pictures of A549-T-ShCNOT3-1 cells with or without 4 days of DOX treatment. c-e. Cell proliferation assay for each A549 stable. For (c) and (e), each A549 stable was treated with or without 4 days of DOX treatment.

04 March 2024
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