csu FY2018 Annual Report 3.2 Figure 3

csu FY2018 Annual Report 3.2 Figure 3

Figure 3. Increment of bile duct reaction, apoptotic cells, dividing cells, mononucleated cells in Cnot3-/- livers. (A-D) immunohistochemistry for F4/80 (A) and CK19 (B). Masson’s trichrome staining (C), and actin staining (D) of livers. (E,F) Identification of cells with diploid, tetraploid, and octaploid. (G) The percentage of binucleate hepatocytes. (H) Immunohistochemistry for cleaved caspase 3, Ki67, and phosphor-histone H3.

04 March 2024
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