Understanding Long Non-Coding RNA Function: Current Knowledge and Challenges Ahead

Understanding Long Non-Coding RNA Function: Current Knowledge and Challenges Ahead
Tuesday October 22nd, 2024 01:00 PM


Title: Understanding Long Non-Coding RNA Function: Current Knowledge and Challenges Ahead


Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs), defined as transcripts longer than 200 nucleotides and without protein coding potential, have been a subject of intense scientific debate for over a decade. Computational studies suggest diverse functions for thousands of lncRNAs, yet experimental evidence supporting significant biological roles exists for selected lncRNAs only. Consequently, the functional annotations and classification of lncRNAs significantly lag behind those of mRNAs.

In this talk I will highlight the efforts of the FANTOM Genomic Consortium in functionally annotating lncRNAs, using both computational (Nature 2017, 543, 199) and large-scale knockdown (Genome Res. 2020, 30, 1060) strategies. I will also present initial findings and outline future research directions for our ongoing project aimed at understanding how lncRNAs regulate chromatin structure to control DC-1 (dendritic cell type-1) differentiation and immune responses.



Professor & Deputy Director
Bioinformatics Laboratory
Advanced Medical Research Center
Yokohama City University, JAPAN

E-mail: jordanr[.at.]yokohama-cu.ac.jp


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