Other networking opportunities

The office of the Dean of Research strives to provide researchers with access to all academic research networks. On this page, you will find networking events outside of our strategic institutional partnerships.

Don't hesitate to contact the respective organizer or us for information on the event and how to participate.


EAJS (East Asia Joint Symposium)

The EAJS was initiated as a joint research conference between the Institute of Medical Science of the University of Tokyo and the Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Seoul National University (Korea) in 1994 and has been held annually for recent twenty-seven years. During the twenty-seven years, the EAJS has expanded by inviting other seven institutes.


MIRAI (Japan-Sweden Consortium)

MIRAI is a collaboration between 17 Swedish and Japanese universities, aiming to contribute to long-term research collaboration and to promote Sweden and Japan as nations of world-leading large-scale research infrastructure.

We are pleased to announce that OIST has become a member of MIRAI as of April 2022.