[Schedule Update, from 16PM][Seminar] "Subjective haptics: From product design to sensorimotor augmentation" by Prof. Yoshihiro Tanaka

[Schedule Update, from 16PM][Seminar] "Subjective haptics: From product design to sensorimotor augmentation" by Prof. Yoshihiro Tanaka
Thursday July 20th, 2023 04:00 PM
C209, Central building


Speaker: Prof. Yoshihiro Tanaka
Professor in Nagoya Institute of Technology / Inamori research institute for Science. 

Title: Subjective haptics: From product design to sensorimotor augmentation


Tactile sensation is personal information, depending on our bodies as well as the objects touched. This fact gives insight into the design of tactile sensations on products, evaluation of tactile sensations, and augmentation of our perception and sensorimotor control. My scientific interest is individual differences in tactile perception and technological interest is the applications of individuals’ abilities. In this talk, I will introduce basic findings on tactile perception and its applications.
There are many tactile illusions and our tactile sensations do not necessarily corresponds to physical parameters that directly represent tactile sensations. This indicates that tactile sensations on products can be designed by utilizing parameters not directly corresponding to a target tactile sensation. For example, dimples on the surface can induce a soft-feeling. Such a tactile design is useful to expand the design of products and/or enrich tactile sensations within the physical limitation. 
From the interest of subjective tactile sensations, we developed a wearable tactile sensor that detects skin-propagated vibration allowing users to touch the object with their fingertips. Experiments showed that the skin vibration well-reflected subjective roughness ratings. Then, we proposed tactile sharing and enhancement with this sensor and vibrotactile actuators. One of the possible applications is remote palpation. An expert could evaluate the affected area by sharing the tactile sensation during the palpation for patients by another person in a remote area. Tactile sense furthermore contributes to manipulation. Some stroke patients cannot perceive tactile sense and hardly manipulate small and/or flexible objects. We developed a substitute tactile feedback system. The skin vibration on the fingertip is fed back to other body parts where the tactile sensation can be perceived. Clinical tests showed potential effects for rehabilitation. 
Moreover, we have investigated body integration, in which multiple people co-operate a single robot avatar, sharing sensorimotor controls. The effects of stabilization, concentration, and motion augmentation were observed. And we now applied the body integration with a single robotic arm to physical disabilities. Principles of individual differences and future application will be discussed.


Hosted by Cybernetic Humanity Studio (OIST - Sony CSL collaboration)

Zoom: https://oist.zoom.us/j/99841394521?pwd=VnJjMFh6UkMvMGJCRGF2TWg3OGZndz09


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