OIST Representation Theory Seminar

OIST Representation Theory Seminar
Tuesday October 10th, 2023 04:30 PM to 05:30 PM
online on Zoom


Benjamin Sambale, Leibniz Universität Hannover

Title: Groups of p-central type

Abstract: A finite group \(G\) with center \(Z\) is of central type if there exists an irreducible character \(\chi\) such that \(\chi(1)^2=|G:Z|\). Howlett–Isaacs have shown that such groups are solvable. A corresponding theorem for \(p\)-Brauer characters was proved by Navarro–Späth–Tiep under the assumption that \(p\ne 5\). I have shown that there are no exceptions for \(p=5\). Moreover, I give some applications to \(p\)-blocks with a unique Brauer character.


Zoom info can be found on the seminar webpage.

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