『心が折れるとき~レジリエンスを働かせよう~』自殺防止ワークショップ by 沖縄いのちの電話 長田清理事長 “When the Heart Breaks - Let's Work on Resilience” Suicide Prevention Workshop by Kiyoshi Nagata, director of Okinawa Lifeline

『心が折れるとき~レジリエンスを働かせよう~』自殺防止ワークショップ by 沖縄いのちの電話 長田清理事長 “When the Heart Breaks - Let's Work on Resilience” Suicide Prevention Workshop by Kiyoshi Nagata, director of Okinawa Lifeline
Monday November 27th, 2023 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM



“When the Heart Breaks - Let's Work on Resilience”

自殺防止ワークショップSuicide Prevention Workshop


Kiyoshi Nagata (President of Okinawa Hotline)

11月27日(月) 11時~12時 @C209

Nov 27th (Mon) 11:00-12:00 @C209






The human body has immunity and resistance that protect us from illness and injury. The human mind also has the capacity to rescues us from difficulties and despair. This power is called resilience. When people are in pain, when they have given up, they think about death because they think it is the only solution. Before the vision of death flickers over us, tempting us with false solutions, let's think about how to draw out and use our resilience.

We will proceed with a dialogue. A dialogue between you and me. And as we listen to each other, have a dialogue with our own hearts.


長田(ながた) (きよし)  (長田クリニック院長  医学博士)










Kiyoshi Nagata (Director, Nagata Clinic, M.D.)

Born in Naha City.

Graduated from Tokushima University School of Medicine.

Worked at Tokyo Metropolitan Matsuzawa Hospital and Okinawa Prefectural Seiwa Hospital. Opened Nagata Clinic (psychosomatic medicine) in Naha City in 2001.

He has focused his activities on psychotherapy, including introspective therapy, hypnotherapy, group therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, solution-oriented approach, and positive psychology. He is actively learning counseling techniques and is applying his experience in clinical treatment and social activities.

Representative Director of NPO Okinawa CAP Center (Child Abuse Prevention Activities)

President, Okinawa Hotline

Vice President, Okinawa Psychiatric Clinics Association


This workshop is open to the whole OIST community.

OIST コミュニティどなたでもご参加いただけます。

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