Okinawa Campus Idea Pitch Contest Grand Finale

Okinawa Campus Idea Pitch Contest Grand Finale
Friday March 1st, 2024 02:00 PM to 05:15 PM
STARTUP LAB RYUDAI (RYULAB) / 1F, Regional Innovation Research Building, University of the Ryukyus


The Okinawa Campus Idea Pitch Contest, an English idea pitch contest presented by RyuLab and OIST Innovation, invites you to witness ten visionary nominees vying for a chance to attend the esteemed "hello tomorrow Global Summit 2024" in Paris, a premier gathering for global deep tech startups.

Furthermore, we are thrilled to host a comprehensive results briefing featuring startups from the University of the Ryukyus who have successfully completed the Ryukyus Lab Acceleration Program. Entrepreneurs, after four months of tailored support addressing their company's challenges, will showcase their transformative journey from conception to fruition.

Who should attend?

  • - Visionaries eager to shape an inspiring future.
  • - Supporters championing those embarking on audacious endeavors.


14:00-14:15 Opening Address and Introduction of Esteemed Judges
14:15-16:05 Final Round: Okinawa Campus Idea Pitch Contest (5-minute presentations followed by 5-minute critique by judges)
16:05-16:20 Intermission
16:20-16:55 Acceleration Program Results Briefing
16:55-17:15 Announcement of Okinawa Campus Idea Pitch Contest Results
17:30-18:30 Networking Reception (*Reception Fee: 1,000 yen includes refreshments)


Lauren Ha Associate Vice President (Technology Development and Innovation), Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST)
Koshu Kunii General Partner, Lifetime Ventures
Yoichi Aso CEO, Alpha Drive, Inc. and Visiting Professor, University of the Ryukyus
Takashi Ishikawa Professor, Faculty of International and Regional Development, University of the Ryukyus

How to Access

アクセス | 琉ラボ [STARTUP LAB RYUDAI] (

*Please enter through the North Gate and inform the guard that you are attending the event at RYULAB to obtain your entrance pass.

Registration Form

hbspt.forms.create({ region: "na1", portalId: "21076647", formId: "9d073821-01e0-4b1a-8245-566653b05c47" });


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