OMW2024 Keynote seminars: by Dr. Hari Shroff, Expert on 4D Cellular Physiology

OMW2024 Keynote seminars: by Dr. Hari Shroff, Expert on 4D Cellular Physiology
Wednesday April 3rd, 2024 02:45 PM


Okinawa Microscope Workshop 2024 @ OIST

Dr. Hari Shroff

HHMI Janelia Research Campus

Date: 3 April 2024
Time: 2:45 PM
Seminar room: OIST Center Building 

Seminar room has been changed to B250!!



Multiscale biological imaging at high spatiotemporal resolution

I will survey key technologies developed in my lab, with an emphasis on microscopes well-suited for studying 4D cellular

physiology. Advances in light-sheet and structured illumination microscopy will be presented, including a recent multi-view confocal system that enables super-resolution imaging in tissue. I will also discuss deep learning methods for further enhancing contrast, resolution, and experiment duration. Finally, I will discuss application of these methods to mapping nuclear positions in post- twitching embryonic C. elegans and combining this positional information with gene expression derived from single cell RNA seq experiments.


Hosted by Shinya Komoto @ OIST Imaging Core Facility

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