[Seminar] Quantum error mitigation and its application to error-corrected quantum computers

[Seminar] Quantum error mitigation and its application to error-corrected quantum computers
Thursday April 25th, 2024 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM
Lab 5, Floor D, Seminar Room D23


OIST organizer: OIST Center for Quantum Technologies (OCQT) , Nemoto Unit (Quantum Information Science and Technology Unit) and Bill Unit (Quantum Engineering & Design Unit) | OIST members are welcome to attend all scientific sessions.


Title: Quantum error mitigation and its application to error-corrected quantum computers

Speaker: Dr. Suguru Endou
(NTT Computer & Data Science Laboratories, NTT Corporation)
Location: Seminar Room, Lab 5, Lv D, D23
Language: English, No interpretation

Abstract: Quantum error mitigation (QEM) was proposed to mitigate errors in noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) computers in a hardware-friendly manner, not requiring encoding of qubits. In this talk, we first review the basic error mitigation methods, and report recently developed error mitigation methods in our group. Also, the application of QEM to quantum error-correction (QEC) codes is also an important direction because they compensate for their weakness with each other, e.g., the scalability problem of QEM and the extensive-resource requirement of QEC. We report our progress of QEM-QEC unified framework, considering the application to bosonic codes as well.

Contact details: Kae Nemoto <kae.nemoto (at) oist.jp>
                          Bill Munro <bill.munro (at) oist.jp>

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