


  1. Kashimoto R, Mercader M, Zwahlen J, Miura S, Tanimoto M, Yanagi K, Reimer JD, Khalturin K, Laudet V. Anemonefish are better taxonomist than humans. Current Biology, in press.
  2. Hayashi K, Locke N, Laudet V. Counting Nemo: Anemonefish Amphiprion ocellaris identify species by number of white bars. Journal of Experimental Biology. 2024, 227, jeb246357.
  3. Jessus C, Laudet V. Henri de Lacaze-Duthiers and the ascidian hypothesis, Journal Experimental Zoology B, 2024, 342, 7–20.
  4. R102. Roux N, Vianello S, Laudet V. Physiology of metamorphosis. In “Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology. From genome to Environment” 2nd Edition. Edited by Sarah L. Alderman, Todd E. Gillis. in press.
  5. R101. Roux N, Laudet V. Editorial : Urban Endocrinology. Molecular Endocrinology. 2024, 582, 112141.
  6. R100. Zwahlen J, Gairin E, Vianello S, Mercader M, Roux N, Laudet V. The ecological function of thyroid hormones. Philosophical Transactions B. 2024, 379, 20220511.
  7. R99. Heyland, A, Khalturin K, Laudet V. Life history evolution: Complex life cycles across animal diversity. In “Life history evolution: traits, interactions, and applied aspects” edited by Michal Segoli and Eric Wajnberg., CRC Press, in press.
  8. R98. Sautereau C, Gairin E, Besson M, Laudet V, Lecchini D, Besseau L. Coral reef fish larvae as model systems to understand marine fish larval recruitment. In “Marine Larvae: Developments and Applications” edited by Se-Kwon Kim, CRC Press, in press.


  1. Reynaud M, Gairin E, Lecchini D, Laudet V, Frédérich B. The environment: a vector of phenotypic disparity during the settlement phase of reef fishes. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 2023, 568, 151937
  2. Patel AKM, Vilela P, Shaik TB, McEwen A, Hazemann I, Brillet K, Ennifar E, Hamiche A, Markov GV, Laudet V, Moras D, Klaholz BP and Billas IML. Asymmetric dimerization in a transcription factor superfamily is promoted by allosteric interactions with DNA. Nucleic Acid Research, Nucleic Acids Research,2023, 51, 8864–8879.
  3. Roux N, Miura S, Dussenne M, Tara Y, Lee SH, de Bernard S, Reynaud M, Salis P, Barua A, Boulahtouf A, Balaguer P, Gauthier K, Lecchini D, Gibert Y, Besseau L, Laudet, V. The multi-level regulation of clownfish metamorphosis by thyroid hormones. Cell Reports, 2023 42, 112661.
  4. Moore B, Herrera M, Gairin E, Li C, Miura S, Jolly J, Mercader M, Izumiyama M, Kawai E, Ravasi T, Laudet V, Ryu, T. The chromosome-scale genome assembly of 1 the yellowtail clownfish Amphiprion clarkii provides insights into melanic pigmentation of anemonefish. G3, Genes, Genomes, Genetics, 2023, 13, jkqd002.
  5. R97 Herrera M, Ravasi T, Laudet V. Anemonefishes: A model system for evolutionary genomics. F1000 Research, 2023, 12, 204


  1. Besson M, Feeney WE, Gache C, Berthe C, Cowan ZL, Brooker RM, Laudet V, and Lecchini D. Anemone bleaching impacts the larval recruitment success of an anemone-associated fish. Coral Reefs.2022, 42, 195-203
  2. Hayashi K, Tachihara K, Reimer JD, Laudet V. Colour patterns influence symbiosis and competition in the anemonefish-host anemone symbiosis system. Proceeding Royal Society B. 2022, 289: 1984
  3. Beinsteiner B, Markov GV, Bourguet M, McEwen AG, Lecroisey C, Holzer G, Hazemann I, Cianférani S, Moras D, Laudet V, Billas IML. A novel nuclear receptor subfamily enlightens the origin of heterodimerization. BMC Biology, 2022, 20, 217.
  4. Kashimoto R, Tanimoto M, Miura S, Satoh N, Laudet V, Khalturin K. Transcriptomes of giant sea anemones from Okinawa as a tool for understanding their phylogeny and symbiotic relationships with anemonefish. Zoological Science, 2022, 39 374-387.
  5. Shkil F, Kapitanova D, Borisov V, Veretennikov N, Roux N, Laudet V. Direct development of catfish’s pectoral fin: an alternative teleost pattern. Developmental Dynamics, 2022, 251, 1816-1833
  6. Ryu T, Herrera,M, Moore B, Izumiyama M, Kawai E, Laudet V, Ravasi T. A chromosome-scale genome assembly of the false clownfish, Amphiprion ocellaris. G3, Genes, Genomes, Genetics, 2022, 12, jkac074
  7. R96 Laudet V, Jessus C. A tool to promote experimental zoology at the end of the19th century: the creation of the “Archives de Zoologie Expérimentale et Générale”. Life and environment, 2022, 72 (3-4) : 129-149.
  8. R94. Jessus C, Laudet V. Edouard Chatton, arpenteur des mondes minuscules. Pour la Science, 2022, 532: 74-81.
  9. R93. Markov GV, Laudet V. Small molecules as products of evolution. Current Biology, 2022, 32, R97–R115.


  1. Maeda K, Kobayashi H, Palla HP, Shinzato C, Koyanagi R, Montenegro J, Nagano, Atsushi J, Saeki T, Kunishima T, Mukai T, Tachihara K, Laudet V, Satoh N, Yamahira, K. Do colour-morphs of an amphidromous goby represent different species? Taxonomy of Lentipes (Gobiiformes) from Japan and Palawan, Philippines, with phylogenomic approaches. Systematics and Biodiversity 2021, 19: 1080-1112.
  2. Salis P, Lee, S-H, Roux N, Lecchini D, Laudet V. The real Nemo movie: filmed embryonic development of Amphiprion ocellaris from first division to hatching. Developmental Dynamics, 2021, 250: 1651-1667.
  3. Salis P, Roux N, Huang D, Marcionetti A, Mouginot P, Reynaud M, Salles O, Salamin N, Pujol B, Parichy DM, Planes S, Laudet V. Thyroid hormones control the formation and plasticity of white bars in clownfishes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2021, 118 : e2101634118.
  4. Beinsteiner B, Markov GV, Erb S, Chebaro Y, McEwen A, Cianférani S, Laudet V, Moras D and Billas IML. A structural signature motif enlightens the origin and diversification of Nuclear Receptors. Plos Genetics. 2021, 4, e1009492.
  5. Izquierdo-Rico MJ, Moros-Nicolás C, Pérez-Crespo M, Laguna-Barraza R, Gutiérrez-Adán A, Veyrunes F, Ballesta J, Laudet V, Chevret P, Avilés M. ZP4 is present in murine Zona Pellucida and as not responsible for the specific gamete interaction. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 2021, 8: 626679
  6. Roux N, Logeux V, Trouillard N, Pillot R, Magré K, Salis P, Lecchini D, Besseau L, Laudet V, Romans P. A star is born again: Methods for larval rearing of an emerging model organism, the clownfish Amphiprion ocellaris. Journal of Experimental Zoology B, 2021 336: 376-385.
  7. R92.Klann, M, Mercader M, Carlu L, Hayashi K, Reimer J, Laudet V. Variation on a theme: Pigmentation variants and mutants of anemonefish. EvoDevo, 2021 12: 8.
  8. R91.Klann M, Mercader M, Salis P, Reynaud M, Roux N, Laudet V, Besseau L. Anemonefishes. In Established and Emerging Marine organisms in experimental biology edited by B. Schierwater and A. Boutet, CRC Press. 443-463


  1. Waqalevu V, Besson M, Gache C, Roux N, Fogg L, Bertucci F, Metian M, Lafille M-A, Maamaatuaiahutapu M, Gasset E, Saulnier D, Laudet V, Lecchini D. Early larval morphological development and thyroid hormone expression in the orbicular batfish (Platax orbicularis). Aquaculture Reports, in revision
  2. Billas IML, Lecroisey C, Holzer G, Markov GV, McEwen AG, Bourguet M, Hazemann I, Beinsteiner B, Croce JC, Yoo S, Flores VR, Cianférani S, Weisblat DA, Escriva H, Schubert M, Moras D, Laudet V. NR7 is a missing link for understanding the origin of nuclear receptor heterodimerization. Submitted.
  3. Besson M, Feeney WE, Gache C, Berthe C, Cowan ZL, Brooker RM, Laudet V, and Lecchini D. Climate change induces a cascading breakdown of mutualisms on coral reefs. Submitted.
  4. Roux N, Salis P, Lee SH, Besseau L and Laudet V. Anemone fishes, a model for Eco-Evo-Devo. EvoDevo, accepted pending minor revision.
  5. 198. Besson M, Feeney WE, Moniz I, François L, Brooker RM, Holzer G, Metian M, Roux N, Laudet V, and Lecchini D. Anthropogenic stressors impact fish sensory development and survival via thyroid disruption. Nature Communication, 2020 11: 3614.
  6. R89. Stratakis CA, Laybutt DR, Laudet V, and Klinge CM. Editorial: Epidemics will always come (and go): The need to prepare for the next one, research on COVID-19, and the role of molecular and cellular endocrinology. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 2020, 511 : 110863.
  7. R88. Sadier A, Jackman WR, Laudet V and Gibert Y. Vertebrate tooth row: is it initiated by a single initiating tooth ? BioEssays, 2020, 42: 1900229.
  8. R87. Ghiglione JF, Laudet V. Marine Life Cycle: A polluted Terra Incognita Is Unveiled Current Biology, 2020, 30: R130-R133.


  1. Gibert Y, Samarut E, Ellis MK, Jackman WR and Laudet V. The first formed tooth serves as a signalling center to induce the formation of the dental row in zebrafish. Proc Roy Soc B. 2019, 286: 20190401.
  2. Roux N, Lami R, Salis P, Magré, K, Romans P, Masanet P, Lecchini D and Laudet V. Sea anemone and clownfish microbiota diversity and variation at the initial steps of the symbiosis.Scientific Reports. 2019, 9: 19491.
  3. Roux N, Salis P, Lambert A, Logeux V, Soulat O, Frederich B, Lecchini D and Laudet V. Staging and normal table of post-embryonic development of the clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris). Developmental Dynamics, 2019, 248: 545-568.
  4. Marcionetti A, Rossier V, Roux N, Salis P, Laudet V, Salamin N. Insights into the genomics of clownfish adaptive radiation: genetic basis of the mutualism with sea anemones. Genome Biol Evol. 2019 11: 869-882.
  5. Sadier A, Twarogowska M, Steklikova K, Hayden L, Lambert A, Schneider P, Laudet V, Hovorakova M, Calvez V, Pantalacci S. Modeling Edar expression reveals the hidden dynamics of tooth signaling center patterning. PLoS Biol. 2019, 17(2): e3000064.
  6. Salis P, Lorin T, Lewis V, Rey C, Marcionetti A, Escande ML, Roux N, Besseau L, Salamin N, Sémon M, Parichy D, Volff JN, Laudet V. Developmental and comparative transcriptomic identification of iridophore contribution to white barring in clownfish. Pigment Cell Melanoma Res. 2019 32: 391-402.
  7. Vial J, Royet A, Cassier P, Tortereau A, Dinvaut S, Maillet D, Gratadou-Hupon L, Sadier A, Tondeur G, Léon S, Depaepe L, Pantalacci S, de la Fouchardière A, Micheau O, Dalle S, Laudet V, Mehlen P and Castets M. The Ectodysplasin Receptor EDAR acts as a tumor suppressor in melanoma by conditionally inducing cell death. Cell Death & Differentiation. 2019, 26: 443-454.
  8. R86. Roux N, Salis P, Laudet V. Les larves de poissons coralliens : un nouveau modèle d’étude de la métamorphose et des hormones thyroïdiennes. Biologie Aujourd’hui 2019, 213: 27-33.
  9. R85. Salis P, Lorin T, Laudet V, Frédérich B. Magic Traits in Magic Fish: Understanding Color Pattern Evolution Using Reef Fish. Trends Genet. 2019, 35: 265-278


  1. Marlétaz F, Firbas PN, Maeso I, Tena JJ, Bogdanovic O, Perry M, Wyatt CDR, de la Calle-Mustienes E, Bertrand S, Burguera D, Acemel RD, van Heeringen SJ, Naranjo S, Herrera-Ubeda C, Skvortsova K, Jimenez-Gancedo S, Aldea D, Marquez Y, Buono L, Kozmikova I, Permanyer J, Louis A, Albuixech-Crespo B, Le Petillon Y, Leon A, Subirana L, Balwierz PJ, Duckett PE, Farahani E, Aury JM, Mangenot S, Wincker P, Albalat R, Benito-Gutiérrez È, Cañestro C, Castro F, D'Aniello S, Ferrier DEK, Huang S, Laudet V, Marais GAB, Pontarotti P, Schubert M, Seitz H, Somorjai I, Takahashi T, Mirabeau O, Xu A, Yu JK, Carninci P, Martinez-Morales JR, Crollius HR, Kozmik Z, Weirauch MT, Garcia-Fernàndez J, Lister R, Lenhard B, Holland PWH, Escriva H, Gómez-Skarmeta JL, Irimia M. Amphioxus functional genomics and the origins of vertebrate gene regulation. Nature. 2018 564: 64-70.
  2. Salis P, Roux N, Soulat O, Lecchini D, Laudet V. Frederich B. Ontogenetic and phylogenetic simplification during white stripe evolution in clownfishes. BMC Biology, 2018 16(1): 90.
  3. Salis P, Laugeux V, Roux N, Lecchini D, Laudet V. The post-embryonic development of Amphiprion perideraion reveals a decoupling between morphological and pigmentation changes. Cybium, 2018,  42: 309-312.
  4. Besson M, Salis P, Laudet V, Lecchini D. Complete and rapid reversal of the body color pattern in juveniles of the surgeonfish Acanthurus triostegus at Moorea Island (French Polynesia). Coral Reefs, 2018, 37:31–35
  5. Lorin T, Brunet FG, Laudet V, Volff JN. Teleost fish-specific preferential retention of pigmentation gene-containing families after whole genome duplications in vertebrates, G3, Genes, Genomes, Genetics, 2018, 8:1795-1806
  6. Handberg-Thorsager M, Gutierrez-Mazariegos J, Nadendla EK, Bertucci P, Arold ST, Tomançak P, Pierzchalski K, Jones JW, Albalat R, Kane MA, Bourguet W, Laudet V, Arendt D, Schubert M. The ancestral retinoic acid receptor (RAR) was a low-affinity sensor triggering neuronal differentiation, Science Advances, 2018, 4: eaao1261.
  7. R84. Tarrant AM, Laudet V. The Evolution of Steroid-liganded Nuclear Receptors. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2018, 184: 1-2.
  8. R83. Khalturin K, Billas I, Chebaro Y, Reitzel AM, Tarrant AM, Laudet V, Markov GV. NR3E receptors in cnidarians : a new family of steroid receptor relatives extends the possible mechanisms for ligand binding. J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol. 2018, 184:11-19.
  9. R82. Markov GV, Girard J, Laudet V, Leblanc C. Hormonally active phytochemicals from macroalgae: a largely untapped source of ligands for deorphanizing nuclear receptors in emerging marine animal models. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol., 2018 265:41-45
  10. R81. Laudet V Markov GV. Evolution of Hormonal Mechanisms in Encyclopedia of Endocrine Diseases 2nd Editrion. edited by I Huhtaniemi, in press


  1. Holzer G, Besson M, Lambert A, François L, Barth P, Gillet B, Hughes S, Piganeau G, Leulier F, Viriot L, Lecchini D Laudet V. Larval fish recruitment to reefs is a thyroid hormone-mediated metamorphosis sensitive to the pesticide chlorpyrifos . eLife, 2017, 6:e2759
  2. Holzer G Laudet V New insights into vertebrate Thyroid Hormone Receptor evolution. Nucl. Recept. Res. 2017, 4: 101287
  3. Markov GV, Gutierrez-Mazariegos J, Pitrat D, Billas IM, Bonneton F, Moras D, Hasserodt J, Lecointre G, Laudet V. Origin of an ancient Hormone/Receptor couple revealed by resurrection of an ancestral Estrogen Science Advances, 2017, 3: e1601778.
  4. Carvalho JE, Theodosiou M, Chen J, Chevret P, Alvarez S, De Lera AR, Laudet V, Croce JC, Schubert M. Lineage-specific duplication of amphioxus retinoic acid degrading enzymes (CYP26) resulted in sub-functionalization of patterning and homeostatic roles. BMC Evol. Biol. 2017, 17: 24.
  5. R80. Holzer G, Roux N, Laudet V. Evolution of ligands, receptors and metabolizing enzymes of thyroid signaling. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2017, 459:5-13
  6. R79. Holzer G, Markov GV, Laudet V. Evolution of Nuclear Receptors and ligand signaling: Toward a soft key-lock model? Curr Top Dev Biol. 2017, 125:1-38.


  1. Holzer G, Morishita Y, Fini JB, Lorin T, Gillet B, Hughes S, Tohmé M, Deléage G, Demeneix B, Arvan P, Laudet V. Thyroglobulin Represents a Novel Molecular Architecture of Vertebrates. J Biol Chem. 2016, 291:16553-16566.
  2. Gutierrez-Mazariegos J, Nadendla EK, Studer RA, Alvarez S, de Lera AR, Kuraku S, Bourguet W, Schubert M, Laudet V. Evolutionary diversification of retinoic acid receptor ligand-binding pocket structure by molecular tinkering. R Soc Open Sci. 2016, 3: 150484.
  3. Li L, Bonneton F, Tohmé M, Bernard L, Chen XY, Laudet V. In Vivo Screening Using Transgenic Zebrafish Embryos Reveals New Effects of HDAC Inhibitors Trichostatin A and Valproic Acid on Organogenesis. PLoS One. 2016, 11: e0149497.

Resarch monographs and Books

  • Laudet V. (2011). The origins and evolution of vertebrate metamorphosis. Curr. Biol. 27, R726.
  • Gronemeyer H, Gustafsson JA, Laudet V. (2004). Principles for modulation of the nuclear receptor superfamily. Nat Rev Drug Discov., 3:950-964.
  • Laudet V, Auwerx J, Gustafsson JA, and Wahli W. (1999) A unified nomenclature system for the nuclear receptors superfamily. Cell, 97:161-163.
  • Laudet V and Gronemeyer H. (2002). The Nuclear Receptors FactsBook. Academic Press, 2002, 405 pages.
  • Gronemeyer H and Laudet V. (1995). Transcription factors 3 : Nuclear Receptors. Protein Profile, 2:1173-1308.