Seminar "Applied and computational rheology advances from extrusion to additive manufacturing" Patrick Anderson

Seminar "Applied and computational rheology advances from extrusion to additive manufacturing" Patrick Anderson
Thursday August 24th, 2023 10:00 AM


Micro/Bio/Nanofluidics (Shen) Unit would like to invite you to the seminar by Prof. Patrick Anderson on August 24 (Thursday).
Date:   August 24, 2023
Time:  10:00-11:00
Venue: C209, OIST


Patrick Anderson
Dean Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands


Applied and computational rheology advances from extrusion to additive manufacturing


In this talk I will give an overview of recent advances that demonstrate the importance of connecting the world of rheology with actual processes in polymer processing and additive manufacturing. To this end, I will discuss some ongoing projects. First our recent work is represented on a feed-back control mechanism to automatically optimise the design of an extruder die applied to polymer and rubber extrusion. I will then demonstrate an in-house developed extensional rheometer that next to rheology, can also in-situ capture structure development  during flow like flow-induced crystallisation of (fibre-filled) polymeric systems. Finally, I will discuss details of sintering of polymer particles in Selective Laser Sintering additive manufacturing using a self-build experimental setup and computational rheology.


Patrick Anderson is Dean of the Department Mechanical Engineering and full professor in structure and rheology of complex fluids and chair of the polymer technology group at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). His present interests include structure development during flow, interfacial phenomena, additive manufacturing, and polymer processing. Teaching is focused on polymer processing, interfacial transport phenomena in engineering flows and computational continuum mechanics. The main research objective is to provide knowledge and models for the prediction and understanding of structure development during processing and the resulting final properties of polymeric products. These properties are determined by intrinsic (molecular) material parameters and, to a great extent, by the processing conditions.

Prof. Amy Shen

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