Ryukyu Awamori and Food Pairing workshop (10/27)

Ryukyu Awamori and Food Pairing workshop (10/27)
Friday October 27th, 2023 05:30 PM to 08:00 PM
Center Bldge Level B Restaurant floor



[Info]Driving While Intoxicated and Under the Influence

Drinking and driving in Japan carries severe penalties. At an alcohol level of 0.15 mg per 1L of breath, a driver is considered to be Driving Under the Influence (DUI), which is punishable by imprisonment with work for up to 3 years and a fine of up to JPY 500,000. Driving While intoxicated (DWI) is punishable by imprisonment with work for up to 5 years and a fine of up to JPY 1 million. Please note that anyone who has provided a vehicle and/or alcohol to an intoxicated driver and/or a driver under the influence or who is a passenger in a vehicle driven by a driver who is intoxicated or under the influence may also be subject to imprisonment with work and a fine.

If a DUI or DWI incident results in an accident, the consequences are more severe. A driver who causes the death or injury of another person, under the influence of alcohol or drugs making it difficult for the driver to drive safely, is punishable by imprisonment with work for up to 20 years (in the case of a death) or 15 years (in the case of an injury).

Note that under the Road Traffic Act, a bicycle is regarded as a car. Therefore, you cannot ride a bicycle after drinking.


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