Panel Discussion: Publishing Science in a Rapidly Changing Publishing Landscape (with TSVP visitors)

Panel Discussion: Publishing Science in a Rapidly Changing Publishing Landscape (with TSVP visitors)
Friday March 15th, 2024 03:30 PM


Title: Publishing Science in a Rapidly Changing Publishing Landscape

Paola Laurino (Protein Engineering and Evolution Unit, OIST)
Dave Armitage (Integrative Community Ecology Unit, OIST)
Fujiko Uehara (Library Section, OIST)
Tad Dallas (University of South Carolina)

Facilitator: Sam Ross (Coordinator of the Thematic Program, OIST)

Discussion Points:

  • Questions and Comments from the Audience  
  • What are the read-and-publish deals available at OIST? How many publications do they support?
  • Can Early Career Scientists afford to boycott prestigious journals when trying to build their CV and get a permanent job?
  • How does data sharing fit into this model? How can we also make data and code accessible to promote reproducibility?
  • How can researchers afford to publish their science as more and more journals switch to author-pays open access models.


This panel discussion is a part of the TSVP Thematic Program "Response Diversity and Ecosystem Stability", which runs from March 1 - 29, 2024. ( OIST students and researchers are welcome to participate in all scientific sessions of the program without registration.

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Passcode: 174127

※ Please note that this event may be recorded and the videos uploaded. In addition, photos may be taken during the event. These are intended for publication online (the OIST website, social media, etc.)※

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