OIST NetCafé Online Information Session in July 2023

OIST NetCafé Online Information Session in July 2023
Wednesday July 26th, 2023 04:00 PM


The program will start off with OIST general introduction, PhD & Research Internship admission process, financial support and student life followed by the panel discussion by 2 OIST PhD students.


Zohreh Shahrabifarahani(OIST PhD Student, Year of 2020)

Zohreh is a Ph.D. student at OIST in the field of light-matter interactions for quantum-technology applications. She started my journey at OIST and in this field of research in October 2019. She believes that working on an experimental project during her Ph.D. study at OIST is a brilliant opportunity in her professional life, as OIST has provided the cutting-edge facilities required for world-class experiments in the field of quantum science. The multicultural environment of OIST has also paved the way to know different people from different parts of the world and various research groups, beneficial for her future plans in her career life.She is originally from Iran, and living in Japan, specifically in Okinawa, is a total different experience in her life in various aspects like culture, clime, food, etc. She hopes to repay all these blessings by doing valuable research in my Ph.D.


Sarika Sasidharan Nair(OIST PhD Student, Year of 2020)

Sarika obtained her BSc and MSc in physics from India. She is interested in theoretical research in quantum physics. She is doing her Ph.D. in the Quantum System Unit (supervisor: Prof. Thomas Busch) at OIST. Currently, she is working on engineering topological systems with cold atoms. She was attracted to OIST because of the diverse research field offered by OIST and the nature-gifted beauty of Okinawa. Along with her research, she is interested in practicing kickboxing, reading, and communicating with students through various OIST outreach activities. She is looking forward to meeting you all.

Targeted Audiences

Anyone interested in PhD and Research Internship at OIST

Event Details & Registration



OIST Graduate School - External Engagement Section


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