Europe’s Roadmap to a Quantum Workforce

Europe’s Roadmap to a Quantum Workforce
Tuesday December 19th, 2023 03:30 PM to 04:30 PM
L5D23 (Lab 5 D floor)


Title: Europe’s Roadmap to a Quantum Workforce

Speaker: Mr. Simon Goorney (Research Assistant from European Quantum Readiness Center, Aarhus University)

Abstract: Quantum Technologies (QT) have the potential to develop a booming industry worldwide, with applications in finance, healthcare, defence, and numerous other areas. As a result, nations of the world are developing their own quantum strategies. Chief among them is the need for a workforce: Who will develop new research? Who will take up jobs in an expanding market? In Europe, there is substantial work in this direction, and I will discuss and evaluate how the Quantum Technology Education (QTEdu) community has been built from the ground up, with the aim to develop a roadmap to a quantum ready workforce.

Biography: Simon is responsible for operations of Europe’s largest Quantum Technology education projects, the Quantum Technology Education stakeholder community ( and the Digitally Enhanced Quantum Technology Master ( developing new Quantum Technology Master degrees across Europe. Within the framework of these projects, he is researching global approaches to quantum workforce and industry development and new models of quantum education for the future.

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