【CANCELLED】[Seminar] "How does a neuron grow?" by Prof. Mike Fainzilber

【CANCELLED】[Seminar] "How does a neuron grow?" by Prof. Mike Fainzilber
Wednesday October 25th, 2023 03:00 PM to 04:00 PM
L4F01, Lab4


Seminar by Prof. Mike Fainzilber has been cancelled.


Speaker: Mike Fainzilber, Professor in Molecular Neuroscience, Head, Department of Biomolecular Sciences, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel [website]

Title: How does a neuron grow?

Abstract: Neurons are the longest cells known, with axons that can extend to lengths 3-4 orders of magnitude greater than their cell body diameters. How can neurons sense the lengths of such long processes and control their growth? I will detail a mechanism whereby importins, molecular motors and RNA binding proteins function in a bidirectional mechanism of intracellular communication, consisting of anterograde RNA transport, local translation at axon tips, and retrograde transport of the resulting proteins, for neuron length sensing and growth control.

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