Seminar "Impacting droplets on solid surfaces and mediation of entrapped air film using dielectrophoretic effect" by Prof. Tuan Tran

Seminar "Impacting droplets on solid surfaces and mediation of entrapped air film using dielectrophoretic effect" by Prof. Tuan Tran
Monday June 5th, 2023 01:30 PM to 02:30 PM
Lab1 C016




Prof. Tuan Tran

School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore



Droplets impacting on solid surfaces often trap air bubbles or splash. These phenomena originate from thinning of the air films trapped between the droplets and the solid surfaces. In this seminar, I will show how the entrapped air films can be manipulated using spatially periodic dielectrophoretic force. This approach offers a unique advantage in driving air flows in thin gaps, thereby work efficiently in suppression of both bubble entrapment and splashing.

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