Haar random and pretty good measurements for state estimation

Haar random and pretty good measurements for state estimation
Tuesday December 12th, 2023 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM


12 December 2023

Title: Haar random and pretty good measurements for state estimation

Speaker: Dr. Maria Quadeer, Nanyang Technological University

Abstract of Talk: In this talk, I will introduce quantum state tomography as an estimation theoretic  problem, and discuss some of my earlier work [1]. I will then expand upon my recent work [2] that builds on the same formalism and tries to address the issue of measurement choices for the state estimation problem.

[1] Quadeer, M., Tomamichel, M., & Ferrie, C. (2019). Minimax quantum state estimation under Bregman divergence. Quantum, 3, 126.
[2] Quadeer, M. (2023). Haar-random and pretty good measurements for Bayesian state estimation. arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.20565.

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